There are many environmental issues in relation to Electric Vehicel (EV) battery manufacturing and battery disposal that are almost nonexisting for gas/diesel cars. Below are som posts describing the environmental disaster that Tesla and other EV manufacturers are causing while marketing that e.g. EV such as Tesla is so environmentally friendly which is a total lie.
New results shows that particle matter (PM), from brake wear, tyre wear, road surface wear can be 1,000 times worse than what comes out of a car’s exhaust (e.g. gas/diesel cars). These fine particles can get deep into lungs and some may even get into the bloodstream causing e.g. heart attacks and, lung cancer. Each year more than 9 million people dies from air pollution including PM, see: Number of deaths by risk factor, World (ourworldindata.org).
Richard Lofthouse, Senior Researcher at Emissions Analytics said: “It’s time to consider not just what comes out of a car’s exhaust pipe but particle pollution from tyre and brake wear. Our initial tests reveal that there can be a shocking amount of particle pollution from tyres – 1,000 times worse than emissions from a car’s exhaust. What is even more frightening is that while exhaust emissions have been tightly regulated for many years, tyre wear is totally unregulated – and with the increasing growth in sales of heavier SUVs and battery-powered electric cars, non-exhaust emissions (NEE) are a very serious problem.” See: Press Release: Pollution From Tyre Wear 1,000 Times Worse Than Exhaust Emissions — Emissions Analytics:
Electric Vehicles, are much heavier than standard cars because of their batteries. The amount of PM emitted from a car depends on its weight. Comparing a Tesla model 3 weighing about 1 700 kg with a BMW318 weighing about 1 300kg, Tesla will emit 30 % more PM than the BMW. Thus, 30 % more peole will die from PM emission from a Tesla compared to a gas/diesel car.
Thus, to reduce pollution and environmental disaster, EVs should be abandoned and instead the car industry should continue to decrease the pollution from gas/diesel cars which they already have done very succesfully.