Despite the country initially resisting Europe-wide legislation pushing for zero-emission cars, the Federal Republic has since about-faced on the idea of a motoring Great Reset and will join others in the bloc looking to begin phasing out hydrocarbon-burning vehicles by 2035 or earlier.
According to a report by POLITICO, the announcement that Germany will be supporting a Europe-wide ban was to be made during a meeting of EU environment ministers, according to the German Green party’s Steffi Lemke.
“The new German government stands behind the [European] Commission’s draft and thus fully supports the end of the internal combustion engine [for cars and vans] in the EU from 2035,” POLITICO reports the Green Party environment minister, Steffi Lemke, as saying.
“I would have wanted intermediate steps and more ambitious steps,” the minister added, saying that she would prefer the EU proposals had been more hardline — though she noted that the rapid expansion of the electric vehicle market could make it possible to “accelerate” the process of implementing restrictions.
This enthusiasm is not shared by everyone though, and while the new ‘Traffic Light’ coalition government of the Social Democrats (SPD), Greens, and Free Democrats (FDP) may be convinced that a green Great Reset should be pushed to the nth degree, the German population seems to think otherwise, with recent data suggesting that people have serious concerns about their environmental policies.
What’s more, a further 49 percent believe that the nation’s green agenda will have negative effects for them personally, with that number rising to 61 percent when only Germans in the east of the country are polled.
Source: Great Reset: Germany Wants EU Ban On Petrol-And-Diesel Cars By 2035 – Climate Change Dispatch
Comments from Peter Rudling: It is amazing how Germany believes that they are the leader in the world when it comes to banning fossile fuel with their crazy ideas. Germany still burn coal and in many cases when there is little wind and sun – which is often the case – 40 % of the electricity in Germany comes from coal. The pollution from coal kills about 3 600 germans every year and Germany export their pollution to other countries, e.g. in Belgium more than 100 people dies from German coal pollution every year. If Germany is so afraid of CO2 why do their energy policy result in 7 times more CO2 emission per person than France – where power mostly comes from nuclear and hydro. Germany even use MORE coal per person than China.