It is interesting to see the difference in politics e.g. between China and Europe/US. The leaders in China all have PhD degrees while politicians in US/Europe have much less degree in education, e.g. in Sweden the Socialist/Green gouvernment (that luckly was forced to resign a few days ago) has very poor education. The energy minister has only studied law during 6 months at univeristy, he doesnt’ even know the bascis of energy production and I think for most western countries the situation is the same. How can undereducated politicians understand what neds to be done to secure energy production in the country. Well, it is quite clear that in countries focusing on “renawables” the gouvernment officials clearly lacks the basic education to understand these complicated energy production issues and therefore are not making the best decisions. Education is power, you need to have a highly educated gouvernment to make the correct decisions that is good for the country.
The leaders in China, Russia and India understand these complicated energy issues and focuses on nuclear and coal. They also understand that climate change due to CO2 emmisions is a hoax. Inexpensive, reliable energy production is key for the well being in any country. It is sad to see how undereducated fools in most countries going for the “renewables” will wreck the countries.
Read more at: China Puts Economy First, Climate Last | NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT (wordpress.com)