The PSA group includes the car brands Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel and Vauxhall. Since January this year, it has been merged with Fiat-Chrysler under the name Stellantis, which then became one of the largest car manufacturers in the world.
Carlos Tavares: “The fact that the authorities order us to go in a certain technical direction, that of the electric vehicle, is a major turning point. I hope that in 30 years we will not discover problems that are not so beautiful: battery recycling, use of rare materials on the planet, battery electromagnetic radiation during charging? How should we generate more clean electrical energy?
How do you ensure that carbon dioxide emissions from the manufacture of an electric car battery are not an ecological disaster? How can you ensure that battery recycling is not an ecological disaster?
How do you find enough scarce raw materials to make battery cells and chemistry over time?
Who addresses the issue of human mobility as a whole?
Who today asks the question broadly enough from a societal point of view, to take into account all these parameters?
I worry as a citizen, because as a car manufacturer you do not listen to me. All this turbulence, all this chaos, will hit us back, because we will have made bad, emotional decisions.”
– The life cycle of an electric vehicle makes it as polluting as a vehicle for fuels. Subsidizing it does not make sense, explains the head of the Nuclear Observatory, STÉPHANE LHOMME The production of batteries emits so much CO₂ that you must have traveled 50,000 to 100,000 km in an electric car… Before it starts producing less CO₂ than a car with an internal combustion engine. Or 15 to 30 km per day, 365 days a year, for 10 years! Contrary to what most people think, exposed to constant propaganda from politicians and advertising, the electric car is no more favorable for the climate than the car for petrol or diesel. These are the conclusions of an already old study from November 2013 by the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), deliberately ignored by the government. As these cars are mainly used for short journeys, it is likely that the mileage required to be “climate-smart” will never be achieved. In addition, all COs emitted by an electric car are sent into the atmosphere even before a single kilometer has been covered.
While it is claimed everywhere that the electric car does not emit fine particles, however as the magazine Science et Vie (January 2015) reports, “tires, brakes and road wear emit almost as many microparticles as a diesel car”. The electric car emits fewer particles than the diesel car, because it has no exhaust pipe, but it has brakes and tires and runs on asphalt! In the end, the electric car is no more environmentally friendly than the diesel car.
It is a very good analysis that shows that our politicians (and the Greens) are making a spectacle of us: Diesel’s paranoia only concerns private motorists !!! Heavy trucks, buses and ships are excluded! Just to see the degree of paranoia in the most virulent detergents of diesel vehicles, we need to reveal data from shipping, which, taking into account the size of the engines and the quality of the fuel used, show that the 40 largest cargo ships in the world pollute as much as all 760 million cars on the planet. These container vessels, which supply us with products that we get manufactured in our foreign factories, each burn 10,000 tonnes of fuel for a return trip between Asia and Europe. These 40 ships are part of a fleet of 3,500, in addition to the 17,500 tankers that are included among all the 100,000 ships that ply the seas. In order not to leave the maritime domain, remember that the French fleet of recreational boats consists of about 500,000 units, including 5,000 yachts over 60 meters, which usually burn about 900 liters of fuel per hour. While the 24% of French households that heat with heating oil have a hard time filling their tanks for the winter. To continue with the paranoid schizophrenia, think of the entire fishing fleet and the 4.7 million trucks on the roads through France and the thousands of planes that ply the sky. To complete this little fable, let us not forget the essential agricultural sector, where the average energy consumption is 101 liters of fuel per hectare.
Translated from Swedish from www.klimatsans.se from the original posts at https://www.eco-leau.com/carlos-tavares-monde-fou/ and https://resistancerepublicaine.com/2021/11/09/meme-carlos-tavares-patron-de-tsa-denonce-limposture-ecologique-de-la-voiture-electrique/