According to the research, exposure to fine particulate matter, or PM 2.5, from burning fossil fuels was responsible for about 8.7 million deaths globally in 2018. PM 2.5 is any airborne particle that is up to 2.5 microns in diameter—or about one-thirtieth the width of a single human hair. Particles this tiny are problematic because they linger in the air, are readily inhaled, and can penetrate deep into the lungs, where they can enter the bloodstream and inflict damage on multiple organs.
Vattenfall results from new Life Cycle Assessment, LCA, shows that Life Cycle (see figure below) usage of fossil fuel is much larger for wind than nuclear energy resulting in 5 times larger total emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants from wind produced electricity,13 g g CO2 equivalent per generated kWh, compared to nuclear energy, 2.5 g CO2 equivalent per generated kWh, see Electricity from nuclear has 5 times lower carbon footprint than that of wind energy – Energy Education.

It is really hard to understand the support for wind compared to nuclear energy since wind energy is much more expensive, see True cost of renewables – Energy Education, extremly low reliability with consequences that people may freeze to death, see Total Wind & Solar Power Collapses Responsible For Texan Blackouts – 30 people froze to death – Energy Education , results in very large amounts of nonrecycle toxic materials, see Massive toxic wastes from wind power plants – Energy Education and destroys the environment, see Film about how renewables are wrecking natural environments – Energy Education and Windturbines – killing machines!!!! – Energy Education
Read more: Fossil Fuel Air Pollution Kills One in Five People | NRDC