The figure above shows that:
- During 5 days, May 16-20, the electricity production from onshore wind (dark blue) varies from 8 to 15% of installed capacity (i.e., the maximum electricity that can be produced) while offshore wind (light blue) is about 0% of installed capacity.
- Despite the large electricity contribution from coal fired plants, Germany needed to import electricity from their neighbours (green), most likely from nuclear from France and coal from Poland resutling in a very high electricity price ranging from EUR 70 to 100 per MWh.
- Once the wind pickuped up on May 21, Germany had to PAY neighbouring countries to get rid of their excess electricity to maintain some stability in the electric grid
The figure below shows that when there is a lot of wind electricity contribution in one country, it is the same situation in many other countries. This situation destabilises the electric grid increasing the risk of grid collapse resulting that many households will be without electricity from hours to days!!! we can see what happened in Texas, when 30 people frooze to death mostly due that wind electicity production collapsed, see figure below.

Normally, there is more wind offshore than onshore and thats’ why the “greens” wants to build huge windfarms along the coasts with dramatically negative consequences for the wildlife (e.g. killing birds and negatively impact the marine life). However, as shown in this post, there are good examples when there is no wind offshore, there are many other examples. So if the “green society” rely on wind and solar electricity how is the society going to function, when there is no sun and no wind!!!! It is amazing that despite frequent publications of the unreliability of wind and solar gouvernments are still funding these very, very expensive electricty sources that you cannot rely on. So you need a backup power (this cost is never included in the cost of electricity production from wind and solar) such as e.g. gas turbines where the gas price is 60-80 % of the production cost from gas turbines. What will happen is that countries relying more and more on gas and gas producing countries will raise the prices!!!
This short film shows that renawables are extremly expensive and will have dire consequences for the living standard in any country: True cost of renewables – Energy Education